
Cursed (XNA)


John Asmuth (Engine, AI, Sound)

Timothy Gerstner (Lead, Design, Art)

Brian Poppy (Graphics)

Build Info

Written with: Visual Studios 2008

Compiled with: Visual Studios 2008

Microsoft .Net Framework: v3.5 SP1

XNA Game Studio: v3.1

Production week 1 (3/5/10)

3-5-1.jpg 3-5-2.jpg

The main goal of this week was to create a replication of the original prototype using the MVC architecture. A main feature that was dropped were the spawning, draining, and door crystals. The spawner was replaced by spawn points for the spirits. The physic system of acceleration, velocity, and position was replaced by a system written by John that also included mass, force, drag, and friction.

codebase external link: Cursed 3-5

binaries external link:

Production week 4 (3/25/10)


For the fourth production week animations with spirit sprites were added to the game, and draft tiles were made. At this point the game was taking on a distinctly medieval feel. A start menu was added which allowed access to several of the test levels, which could now be saved and loaded. An editor was added to the game in order to help create levels quickly. Other new features included dialog boxes, gestural spells (summoning familiar), and sounds made on the guitar. The old collision system was replaced by box2d.

codebase external link: Cursed 3-25

binaries external link:

Production week 5 (4/1/10)

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For the 5th week of production an emphasis was placed on getting a playable first level. Controllers were added for actors and a new character was introduced for narration. Attack animations were added to spirits and many new map features were added including improved walls and stickers (lamps, blood, etc). The end result was an introductory level containing three floors that provided plot exposition and short tutorials on how to use your abilities.

codebase external link: Cursed 4-1

binaries external link: Cursed

Production week 7 (4/15/10)

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For the 6th week of production the game was put though an overhaul in both art and play style. The close-corridor game play was dropped for more spacious play and the dungeon crawling, heavy-detailed art was substituted with simpler, two tone monochromatic art.

For the 7th week of production the priority was to get the majority of the game in place, in a rough but usable form. The final level was added to the game as well as menus, a tutorial level. New features such as water were added, and most art was put into a more final (or near final) form.

codebase external link:

binaries external link:

Final Game (4/28/10)

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Continuing with the previous releases success the art was finished in the simplistic, two tone color. The wood spell was changed to become a projectile in order to bring the Druid more into combat. New levels were implemented utilizing a dialogue story that appeared on the ground as the player walked through the world.

codebase external link: Cursed Source

binaries: external link: Cursed Build

Postmortem (4/30/10)

external link: postmortem.pdf