Describe all registered entities (xml)


Describe all (registered entities): 93

General notes on special params and headers:
no-cache - this will cause the caching headers to be set for no caching (default caching is set based on last modified date on entity OR 5 minutes)
last-modified - this will force the last-modified date header to be set (unix timestamp in ms), no-cache overrides this
accept - this standard header can be used in place of format extensions (e.g. xml), just leave the extension off the URL
When searching for entities in a list, the following params are handled specially in the system (note that all the RoR conventions are followed for sorting/paging):
_start (number): the position of the first entity to return (0 is the first), e.g. _start=5
_page (number): the page of data to display (0 is first), e.g. _page=2
_perpage (number): the number of entities to return for the page (0 means all), e.g. _perpage=20
_limit (number): the maximum number of entities to return (0 means all), e.g. _limit=50
_order (string): the sort order to return entities in (default is ascending), should be a comma separated list of entity field names which optionally include a suffix to determine order, suffix can be _reverse or _desc for descending order OR '' (blank) or _asc for ascending order, e.g. _order=name OR _order=name_reverse OR _order=name,email_desc,firstname_asc,lastname_reverse
_sort (string): same as order
_validateSession: supply this parameter if sessions are to be explicitly checked to ensure a valid session. Without this, the session validation is left to the provider

announcement (xml)

Represents announcements for a given site (including merged announcements) or all announcements for a user. Also includes Message Of The Day and public announcements. There are two optional URL parameters available: 'n' to set the total number of announcements returned, and 'd' to set the number of days in the past to retrieve announcements for. If these parameters are not set, they are retrieved from the tool configuration, or the standard defaults of n=3 and d=10 are used. For example /announcements/site/mercury.json?n=20&d=100 will retrieve up to 20 total announcements for up to 100 days ago.

assignment (xml)

Represents assignments for a given site.

assignment2 (xml)

assignment2submission (xml)

basiclti-events (xml)

Enables reporting of LTI usage to SiteStats. There are no usable interfaces here.

bbb-tool (xml)

blog-blog (xml)

blog-entry (xml)

Represents an entry in a web log (blog)

blog-rss (xml)

bloggroup-bloggroup (xml)

bloggroup-rss (xml)

calendar (xml)

Represents calendar events.

chat-channel (xml)

A chat channel represents a chat room in a context (site).

chat-message (xml)

A chat message represents a message in a chat channel (room).

citation (xml)

cm-academic-session (xml)

cm-canonical-course (xml)

cm-course-offering (xml)

cm-course-set (xml)

cm-enrollment (xml)

cm-enrollment-set (xml)

cm-section (xml)

cm-section-category (xml)

content (xml)

Represents the Content/Resources tool

delegated_access (xml)

dropbox (xml)

Represents the Dropbox tool

eval-adhocgroup (xml)

eval-assigngroup (xml)

eval-config (xml)

eval-evalcategory (xml)

eval-evaluation (xml)

eval-reports (xml)

eval-template (xml)

eval-templateitem (xml)

feedback (xml)

forum (xml)

forum_message (xml)

forum_topic (xml)

forums (xml)

Provides a set of RESTful endpoints for retrieving single fora, site collections of fora , individual topics (collections of conversations) and messages with their children. An example workflow would be to call the site action with /direct/forums/site/SITEID.json for the top level fora in a site, then to use /direct/forums/site/SITEID/forum/FORUMID.json to get an individual forum to the topic level. After that you would use /direct/forums/site/SITEID/forum/FORUMID/topic/TOPICID.json to get a topic, basicallya set of conversations, then you would call /direct/forums/site/SITEID/forum/FORUMID/topic/TOPICID/message/MESSAGEID.json to get a fully populated message with attachments and children.

gbng (xml)

grade (xml)

gradebook (xml)

Represent Gradebook items and also special provider that instead delegates to the Gradebook tool views

grades (xml)

iclicker (xml)

Handles the i>clicker registration and integrate data feeds for the Sakai system, all operations are for the current user so authentication is required for all operations, the base item handled by this provider is a i>clicker registration but feeds are also available for gradebook, course, and student data

kaltura (xml)

lessonbuilder (xml)

lessons (xml)

lti (xml)

Allows access to the various data structures available from the LTIService support LTI 1.x and LTI 2.x work. Collection endpoints allow the use of first= last= and order= parameters.

mailarchive (xml)

Represents mailarchive messages for a given site

membership (xml)

Represents a user's membership in a location (site, group, etc.) in the system, works with the site/group entities and the user entities. In the documentation below, a membership ID is a string in the form USER_ID::LOCATION_REFERENCE (e.g., "aaronz::site:mySiteId").

my (xml)

A set of URLs that can be used for directly linking to various pages and views in Profile2.

mySignup (xml)

notify (xml)

Allows access to Sakai's email notification handling

pasystem (xml)

pasystem-admin (xml)

podcast (xml)

Represents the Podcast tool

poll (xml)

Deprecated. Use polls entity provider. Represents a poll (single item survey) and optionally the votes (responses) to the poll and options (choices)

poll-option (xml)

Deprecated. Use polls entity provider. Represents an option (choice) in a poll

poll-vote (xml)

Deprecated. Use polls entity provider. Represents a user's vote in a poll

polls (xml)

Represents polls, options (choices), and votes of the poll tool.

portal (xml)

portal-chat (xml)

Presents an HTTP interface onto Sakai's portal chat system.

profile (xml)

Represents a user's profile. Because of the privacy settings that a user can set for individual parts of their profile, the information in the profile that is returned for a given user will be tailored based on the person requesting it.

profile-events (xml)

Enables anonymous reporting of tool usage to SiteStats. There are no usable interfaces here.

profile-message (xml)

Allows access to the Profile2 messaging system

profile-status (xml)

Represents a user's status.

roster (xml)

Represents roster of a site.

roster-export (xml)

roster-membership (xml)

sam_core (xml)

sam_pub (xml)

scorm (xml)

search (xml)

server-config (xml)

Represents settings in the server configuration

session (xml)

Represents a user or system session which is currently active, inactive sessions or information about inactive sessions cannot be accessed, the session is effectively immutable and removing it is the same as deactivating it, updating simply has the effect of refreshing it so it will not timeout

signupEvent (xml)

site (xml)

Represents a site (a collection of users and tools) in the Sakai system

sitestats (xml)

Provides a set of RESTful endpoints for retrieving Sitestats event data.

sitestats-metrics (xml)

Provides SiteStats event aggregator metrics for the current server node

sitestats-report (xml)

syllabus (xml)

Represents the Syllabus tool

synopticmsgcntritem (xml)

tool (xml)

topic (xml)

tutorial (xml)

url (xml)

An entity provider to allow shortening of URLs via the ShortenedUrlService

user (xml)

Represents a user in the system, user data is effectively immutable and removing users cannot override externally provided users

userPrefs (xml)

User Preference Values

validation (xml)

view-assignment2 (xml)

view-assignment2-submission (xml)

webcontent (xml)

Represents the Web Content tool

wiki (xml)

Provides a set of RESTful endpoints for retrieving wiki pages.

REST:: 1.0.1 SVN: $Revision$ : $Date$