poll (xml)

Deprecated. Use polls entity provider. Represents a poll (single item survey) and optionally the votes (responses) to the poll and options (choices)
RESTful URLs: http://microformats.org/wiki/rest/urls
HTTP response codes as returned by the system:
200 - OK (request is ok and content returned)
201 - CREATED (request created new content, URL and id of content in the header)
204 - NO CONTENT (request is ok but no content to return)
400 - ERROR (general error in the request, probably invalid parameters or data)
401 - UNAUTHORIZED (user authentication required for this request)
403 - FORBIDDEN (authorization required, insufficient privileges, user is already authenticated)
404 - NOT FOUND (resource not found, URL is invalid in some way, id or action are invalid)
405 - METHOD NOT ALLOWED (the method is not supported for this entity type)
406 - NOT ACCEPTABLE (the data format requested is unavailable for this entity type)
500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (general server failure, probably a failure in the provider)
501 - NOT IMPLEMENTED (indicates that a prefix is invalid)

Sample Entity URLs (_id=':ID:') [may not be valid]:

Entity Collection URL: GET /poll (xml) (json)
Response Code Details: 200 plus data; 404 if not found, 406 if format unavailable
Deprecated. Use polls entity provider. Gets all the polls that the current user can take in all sites, limit to a specific site using 'siteId' or 'siteReference', switch to the polls a user can control (administrate) using 'admin' (boolean) set to true
Create Entity URL: POST /poll
Response Code Details: 201 plus id (EntityId); 400 if inputs invalid
Deprecated. Use polls entity provider.
Show Entity URL: GET /poll/:ID: (xml) (json)
Response Code Details: 200 plus data; 404 if not found, 406 if format unavailable
Deprecated. Use polls entity provider. Gets a single poll by the pollId (the long, not the UUID string), returns only the poll itself by default, add in the options using 'includeOptions' (boolean), add in the votes using 'includeVotes' (boolean)
Update Entity URL: PUT /poll/:ID:
Response Code Details: 204; 400 if inputs invalid
Deprecated. Use polls entity provider.
Delete Entity URL: DELETE /poll/:ID:
Response Code Details: 204; 404 if not found
Deprecated. Use polls entity provider.

URL Redirects

1)   /poll/{pollId}/vote ==> /direct/poll-vote{dot-extension}
Deprecated. Use polls entity provider. Gets all the votes for a specific poll
2)   /poll/{pollId}/option ==> /direct/poll-option{dot-extension}
Deprecated. Use polls entity provider. Gets all the options for a specific poll
3)   /poll/site/{siteId} ==> /direct/poll{dot-extension}
Deprecated. Use polls entity provider. Gets all the polls the current user can take in the given site

Entity class : org.sakaiproject.poll.model.Poll

Type :: bean
Name Type Status
1) creationDatejava.util.DateRead/Write
2) currentUserVotedbooleanRead/Write
3) currentUserVotesjava.util.ListRead/Write
4) descriptionstringRead/Write
5) detailsstringRead/Write
6) displayResultstringRead/Write
7) idstringRead/Write
8) isPublicbooleanRead/Write
9) limitVotingbooleanRead/Write
10) maxOptionsintRead/Write
11) minOptionsintRead/Write
12) optionsjava.util.ListWrite Only
13) ownerstringRead/Write
14) pollIdlongRead/Write
15) pollOptionsjava.util.ListRead Only
16) pollTextstringRead/Write
17) propertiesorg.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourcePropertiesRead Only
18) referencestringRead Only
19) siteIdstringRead/Write
20) textstringRead/Write
21) urlstringRead Only
22) voteClosejava.util.DateRead/Write
23) voteCloseStrstringRead/Write
24) voteOpenjava.util.DateRead/Write
25) voteOpenStrstringRead/Write
26) votesjava.util.ListRead/Write

Data and Request Handling

Output formats : xml, json
Input formats : xml, json, html
No Access Provider registered for request processing



REST:: 1.0.1 SVN: $Revision$ : $Date$