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  • Online or Face-to-Face Course Example

    This example of a Lessons page demonstrates the concept of chunking.  In this case each content box contains a different actionable item.  Chunking the content in this way makes it more visually appealing to the learner and allows them to complete tasks that they have time for.  Also, putting all obligatory readings, assignments and assessments on the same page minimizes the learner's need to hop in and out of different tools.  This is more user friendly and allows the learner to make sure they have completed all required work in one place.

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  • Unit 1: The Chemistry of Life

    Week 1: The Study of Life


    Lesson Objectives:


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In pretium ipsum commodo, semper risus at, hendrerit lorem. Vestibulum vel augue sit amet enim porta sodales quis non nibh. Nullam id nisl turpis. Morbi gravida vulputate nulla, eget posuere ante molestie ut. Aliquam tempus pellentesque ultrices. Nunc ut enim a arcu eleifend efficitur eu ac ante. Etiam sollicitudin, eros et hendrerit condimentum, dui ex varius lectus, id pretium ipsum magna at odio. Quisque maximus quam et diam blandit, vel sodales metus consequat. Pellentesque volutpat non odio ut scelerisque. Phasellus purus massa, posuere in efficitur vel, feugiat a ex. Praesent finibus rutrum felis. Praesent ultricies, sem eget pretium dapibus, nunc quam semper nunc, ut semper dolor arcu in massa. Etiam dolor elit, consequat ac dapibus vitae, suscipit vel leo. Morbi euismod enim vitae arcu maximus hendrerit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

    Mauris aliquet odio sit amet turpis posuere, ac auctor magna pretium. Mauris ex eros, molestie sed enim sit amet, posuere vestibulum ante. Donec in eros facilisis, feugiat nulla nec, ornare nibh. Sed sit amet viverra lorem. In sollicitudin, ipsum vitae laoreet placerat, mi sapien accumsan nibh, vitae dapibus felis dui mollis orci. Aenean libero mi, ultrices at consequat sit amet, ornare in nulla. Ut feugiat neque vitae placerat lacinia. Nulla at felis porta, cursus lorem ut, malesuada quam. Aenean dui dui, laoreet ut orci sed, porttitor rhoncus felis.

    Nunc iaculis libero ut consequat pretium. Nullam sit amet nulla turpis. Donec accumsan eros velit, sit amet tincidunt purus tincidunt non. Quisque porta varius mauris, in euismod sem. Sed cursus rutrum orci, varius feugiat dolor porttitor non. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas lacinia ultrices enim. Quisque suscipit sem et ullamcorper convallis. Vivamus pretium finibus mi, non mattis enim vehicula tristique.

Introductory MediaClick to collapse

  • Hopefully this video will inspire you to ponder all of the living things that share this planet as well as marvel at the fact that most of the countless cell's in those organisms function pretty much the same way.  This is Life!

ReadingsClick to collapse

  • For this week, you will need to read pp. 5-10, 15-18, 25-42 of the textbook.
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AssignmentsClick to collapse

  • For the first assignment this week you will need to participate in a Forum Discussion about Biology.  This assignment has a deadline of September 12 at 11:55 pm.

  • For the second assignment this week you will need to submit a visual representation of what YOU think Biology is.  This submission can be in the form of a picture (black and white or color), photography, video, etc. You will be posting this submission on your own student page (click below to create your own page).
  • Student Pages

AssessmentClick to collapse

  • Every week will end with an assessment.  Sometimes it will be a summative assessment (graded),  other times it will be a formative assessment (checking your progress with no points toward your grade), sometimes it will include both.  Please make sure you are ready to complete the assessment once you have started it.  No resubmissions are allowed.

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